
Solutions for the energy industry

Solutions for the energy industry

Digitalization in the energy industry - future-proof and scalable SAP solutions

The Challenges of the energy industry are growing steadily. The aim is to secure supplies, ensure affordable energy and at the same time move towards climate neutrality. These are challenges that make progressive digitalization indispensable. There is a particular demand for scalable solutions that are future-proof and can be implemented at a calculable cost.

Office processes - Cross-company digitalization of application processes

Legal acts - Complete application for legal matters

Inquiry process for EEG - Digitizing generation plants


Cross-company digitalization of application processes

- Document-based processes can be replaced by modern apps

- Simple, guided and user-friendly recording and approval workflows
- Significant acceleration of company processes

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Legal acts

Complete application for legal matters

- Clear and modern presentation of all legal files, including document and Office integration

- Integration of the relevant SAP master data
- Useful functionalities via a modern web interface

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Inquiry process for EEG

Digitizing generation plants

- Significant reduction in manual work for technical clerks

- Processes are mapped digitally and processed automatically
- Connection to core business data in SAP

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Free webinars

"Digitalization in the energy industry"

CLC xinteg regularly offers interesting webinars for all managers and initiators in the energy and supply industry.

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