
Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Simplify and speed up grid connection applications

Learn from the best practice example of a grid operator how their grid connection applications can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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Inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Simplify and speed up grid connection applications - what you need to know

In our webinar, we will show how inquiry processes for EEG generation plants can be mapped in the SAP system using intuitive Fiori apps and digital assistants. We will also show how a scalable and future-proof solution can be implemented at a calculable cost.



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Legal requirements demand the digitalization of grid connections for renewable energy systems

From January 1, 2025, new legal requirements for the application and processing of grid connection requests for renewable energy systems will come into force for grid operators and energy suppliers, which should lead to a significant simplification and acceleration of the processing of grid connection requests. As a result, the previous laborious e-mail and postal processes would have to be replaced by standardized, digital solutions.

The following questions now arise for network operators: How can this query data be efficiently transferred to the in-house SAP system? And how is it further processed there with process support?

To meet this requirement, our CLC experts have developed an SAP add-on for network operators that digitally maps the inquiry process in SAP. On the one hand, data transfer to SAP (for internal IT) and, on the other hand, workflow-controlled processing of this data in SAP (by the clerks in the specialist department) is made much easier. In addition, direct processing in SAP enables comprehensive key performance indicator reporting (KPI reporting) for decision-makers.

The solution includes a user-friendly application that can be flexibly adapted to customer-specific requirements and which allows connection applicants and specialist departments to leave the time-consuming paperwork on both sides behind.

In the webinar you will learn ...

how paper-based inquiry processes can be mapped digitally and automatically in SAP.

... how simple, intuitive apps can be used in a user-friendly and flexible way.

... how high manual workloads can be significantly reduced, e.g. for technical clerks.

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Dirk Langendörfer

Sales Solution Consultant
+49 (0)6826 - 933 477 -0 | Consulting@CLC-xinteg,de
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