
Ready to go?

Career entry

Your unique career start with afterburner

Hey, you! Yes, you! You, smart, enormously talented person, you would fit in really well with our team! I'm sure you found this job ad because you were looking for a dual study program or after a Apprenticeship are you right? Then you've come to the right place!

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Dual study program

Dual study program in business informatics in cooperation with the Akademie der Saarwirtschaft (ASW)

Combining practice and theory in a dual study program is just your thing? Business? IT? Or would you prefer to study computer science? Do it all at the same time!

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Apprenticeship as office management assistant (m/f/d)

During your training, we will make you a true all-rounder in office management, bookkeeping, accounting and personnel administration. Are you in?

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Apprenticeship as an IT specialist in application development (m/f/d)

Are you ready for an exciting and practical apprenticeship in the field of (SAP) software development?

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Your benefits as an employee at CLC

We know that satisfied employees are the most important building block of a successful, functioning company. That is why it is particularly important to us that you feel comfortable with us. We would like to support you in this and offer you a wealth of benefits.

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CLC Summer Party 2023

A crew. Beyond the desk.

The CLC flag and sails were hoisted to explore the IJsselmeer in the best weather and celebrate our successes together. We prove that we are an incomparable crew, even beyond our desks.

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If you would like to find out more about us or get to know us, please contact me.

Sandra Wagner

Employer branding | Feel-good management
+49 (0)6826 - 933 477 -36 |
WhatsApp: +49 (0) 179 - 340 27 21
