
Fiori app, but how?


Fiori app, but how? Fiori Elements or freestyle development / app generator?

At the DSAG Technology Days - the specialist congress for SAP developers - Ralf Monstadt and Jonas Niedrig spoke on the topic of "Fiori app, but how? Fiori Elements or freestyle development / app generator?". The presentation was intended to provide developers and decision-makers with guidance on the options available for Fiori development and how these can be used effectively for the various use cases in practice. On this day, almost 200 listeners gathered in the auditorium in Düsseldorf to deal with the question "Fiori app, but how?".

Options for implementing a Fiori app and choosing the right technology

There are basically various technologies for implementing Fiori apps. "Decision-makers should carefully consider the question of which is suitable for their specific requirements in advance - with external support if necessary," says Ralf Monstadt. There are many simple ways to design applications, such as using Fiori Elements. However, if you look at the requirements in detail, more complex solutions are often required, which in turn can only be efficiently mapped with freestyle development or an app generator such as the CLC PADD® S Suite+.

Fiori Elements

With Fiori Elements, a UI5-based tool set provided by SAP, simple application scenarios can be mapped in SAP. There are no additional license costs* for the tool set and, with the connection to a backend system that uses the

OData protocol (Open Data) to provide apps with minimal programming effort. The UI does not need to be developed, but is generated on the basis of annotations in the CDS views. "An ideal way to obtain a clear view of objects in SAP with little time and programming effort," explains Ralf Monstadt. However, the use of Fiori Elements is not suitable for every use case. For example, not if existing application logic is to be reused, data structures are more complex or existing dynamic applications (e.g. SAP Folders Management) are to be mapped by Fiori apps. In addition, it is often desirable that existing developments can be reused, which is often not possible with Fiori Elements or only possible with increased effort.

*without guarantee

Freestyle development

In addition to the use of Fiori Elements, freestyle development is generally used with increasing complexity, as complex requirements can often only be implemented with greater effort using Fiori Elements. The advantages of freestyle development include the fact that existing application logic can be reused more easily. This protects existing investments and reduces the maintenance effort when using existing ABAP OO developments.

reduced accordingly. One disadvantage of freestyle development is that the complete know-how for SAPUI5 development has to be built up. This includes the development of the necessary OData services and, of course, front-end development in SAPUI5 with JavaScript, which is not usually one of the core competencies of SAP developers.

App generator / freestyle development

"We developed the CLC-PADD® S Suite+ - a so-called app generator - in order to reduce the enormous development effort of classic freestyle development for complex requirements," explains Ralf Monstadt. The CDS views have been replaced by customizing in the S Suite+. This allows the layouts to be controlled via intuitive customizing. A generic ODataService and a complete Fiori frontend are already included and can be used without any programming effort. This means that no extensive know-how needs to be built up and new requirements and processes can be implemented individually within a few weeks and maintained with little effort, just as with the best practices applications of the Mainzer Stadtwerke AG.

"An all-round contemporary and flexible solution that really convinces us and is fun to use."

Stephan Muth, Consultant Enterprise Content Management

Mainzer Stadtwerke AG
