May 3 - 4, 2022, CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf
DSAG Technology Days 2022
Under the motto "New normal - IT is. Recognizing opportunities, unleashing potential" will take place on May 03 and 04, 2022. DSAG Technology Days in Düsseldorf. Among other things, they will address the question of what reality users will have to face in the SAP context now and in the future.
Lecture & expert exchange
As part of the lecture series, we are looking forward to the CLC lecture "Fiori app, but how? Fiori Elements or freestyle development?", which the CLC colleagues will give together with our customer Mainzer Stadtwerke AG.

Lecture at the DSAG Technology Days
Fiori app, but how? Fiori Elements or freestyle development / app generator?
Presentation of best-practice applications from the energy sector
May 03, 2022
13:00 - 13:45 (Lecture slot V045)
With the modern SAPUI5 technology company-specific processes can be optimally implemented for the end user. SAP offers various technologies for this (Freestyle SAPUI5 apps, Fiori Elements) and the developer is now faced with the question: Which one is best suited to my use case? The speaker Ralf Monstadt and his colleagues have dealt intensively with this topic and will show in the presentation which experiences they have gained for Different use cases have gathered. Among others, at Mainzer Stadtwerke AG, which was looking for a way to map its SAP-integrated business processes with modern apps and to inspire non-SAP users in the process. It is important to provide employees with fast, flexible adaptations and thus maximize acceptance, which is demonstrated by the example of the "Legal acts" with the help of CLC-PADD® S Suite+. In addition, existing developments could be reused, which also satisfied the internal IT department.
Jonas Low
Senior Software Engineer
CLC xinteg GmbH

Ralf Monstadt
Senior Manager
CLC xinteg GmbH

Stephan Muth
Speaker Enterprise Content Mgmt.
Mainzer Stadtwerke AG

Your contact person
Dirk Langendörfer
Phone: (06826) 933 477 - 42

From the field
SAP legal file
Mainzer Stadtwerke (MSW) uses the SAP add-on to manage CLC-PADD® Legal+ all their legally relevant information and documents in an SAP legal file - all using state-of-the-art apps based on the SAP Fiori standard.
Learn more