FAmily friendliness
Family and work hand in hand:
CLC xinteg once again certified as a family-friendly company
The compatibility of work and family has been gaining in importance for years. For CLC xinteg, the topic of "work-life balance" is not just an empty phrase, but a living and tangible culture of life within the company. Business and family needs are optimally reconciled here. As a result, CLC was once again certified as a "family-friendly company" in December 2022 and received the "Service Center Working and Living in Saarland" seal of approval.

Managing Director Christian Bach is very proud of the new award: "We have always taken the individual needs and life situations of our employees particularly seriously. Reconciling a happy family life with a qualified professional life is a natural part of our social responsibility as an employer." At CLC xinteg, the compatibility of family and career is reflected, among other things, in the offer of flexible working time models, the opportunity to work from home, parental leave for women and men and the option to work part-time.
Many thanks go to Ms. Ursula Kunigham, Project Manager of the Saarland Work and Life Service Center, who found the following words for our company: "At CLC, FAMILY FRIENDLINESS is a top priority in the truest sense of the word." Dr. Meier, Managing Director of the Economic Policy and Business Development Division at the Saarland Chamber of Industry and Commerce, also praised the "employee-centric corporate culture" with flexible working hours, mobile working and individual part-time models.

At CLC xinteg, the specific needs and life situations of each individual are taken seriously. "This appreciation of our own workforce is one of the reasons for the company's success - also and especially in the competition for skilled workers."
The entire team at CLC xinteg GmbH is delighted to have received this well-deserved award, which is valid for three years. During this time, CLC will take even more targeted measures to improve and increase the individual needs of its employees with regard to work-life balance and family life.
If you would like to find out more about us or get to know us, please contact me.
Sandra Wagner